People say I look like Booby. Yes ! I'm Red-footed Booby. AS THE NEWEST AND FRESHEST MEME TOKEN, $BOOBY IS HERE SPICE THINGS UP.

What is $BOOBY?

The Red-footed Booby is a graceful, slim-winged seabird named for its vivid coral-red feet which males show off during courtship. Most booby species nest on the ground, but the Red-footed nests in trees, so they don’t compete for nest sites. This habit also provides protection from ground predators, a welcome advantage for this smallest of the six booby species. Like other members of the family Sulidae, Red-footed Boobies pursue fish by diving into the sea, but also chase flying fish like a flycatcher chases flies.
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An original total supply: 420,690,000
Buy and Sell Tax is 0%
LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.
Contract : TBA
Join the $BOOBY Party
Are you ready to skate onto the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution? $BOOBY is calling for pioneers, creatives, and anyone with a passion for the extraordinary. Join the ranks of $BOOBY holders, and let's carve out a path filled with frosty adventures and potential gains. With $BOOBY, the degen world will never be the same again!